Tuesday Connect - Food pantry


A Wonderful Blessing…

Tuesday Connect continues to be a wonderful blessing to our community in Brisbane and has been operating for over four years from Brisbane Congregation church hall. A dedicated group of willing workers led by Anne Sutton, bring from across town, much needed food from Foodbank. Bread, fruit, vegetables and other essential food staples are packed and redistributed to those who need it most. All who come are encouraged to contribute a small donation towards the program that operates every week for a few hours.

Tuesday Connect hopes to resume its “discussion group and tea and coffee time” however due to Covid 19 restrictions these activities have had to be set aside. We know that this example of “tangible love” makes a huge difference to some of the most vulnerable people in our community.

We thank all those volunteers who are much loved friends of Community of Christ in Brisbane, for their dedicated service through these difficult times.