If you're posting your cards aim to have them on their way by the first week of December
Because of increase demand there are often delays to the mail system at Christmas. Get organised now to give the Postie plenty of time for delivery by the 25th.
Personalise your card or include a special message
Although it's fine to write your 'tos' and 'froms', a short note from the heart lets the receiver know you were thinking especially of them.
Include a return address - especially if you haven't seen or spoken to the receiver in a while!
The person you are sending to may know several people who share your first name and you don't want any of them to take the credit! But seriously, a return address also helps the receiver in the case they would like to reciprocate with a card or a note.
A greeting or note shared via email or social media can be appreciated just as well
Don’t have the inclination for writing and sending cards, or unsure of a postal address? Don’t let that stop you from reaching out.
And finally, Consider those in your social circles who may find Christmas time especially hard or isolating
Think about adding them to your card list or even giving them a call!
Community of Christ - Australia have a beautiful range of artist designed Christmas cards available online, order yours now and share a heat-felt note this Christmas.