Australia Herald 2025 - Volume 1

As a church, the Community of Christ strives to improve the lives of those who are lonely, vulnerable, oppressed, suffering. This place is dedicated to the uplifting of the human spirit, to the bringing of joy, hope, love and peace. May everyone who enters this building know that they are persons of immeasurable worth, that they are extended unconditional love, and that they are invited to participate in the rising tide of kindness that will emanate from this place.

Australia Herald 2023 - Volume 1

This whole Australia Herald edition is about love that is at the centre of our faithful walk with Christ. It is about having courage to allow it to show up authentically in conversations and actions - Here, Now, Today as Richard Betts says. It is about us expressing it in solidarity with the marginalized and our earth as Steve Veazey shares and as Tyler Marz says it's about uniquely, divinely and authentically expressing God's imprint within us in community.

Australia Herald December 2021

Australia Herald December 2021

Christmas season is here again! Traditionally, most of us look forward to this time as a time of celebration with family and friends, a time of reflecting on happy memories from times past, and a time to remember the birth story of the Lord Jesus Christ. This edition of the Herald includes all of this and much more, including some hints about loneliness, despondency and desolation that exist even in the midst of Christmas cheer.

Australia Herald November 2021

In this Youth Edition of the Australia Herald, we hear from young people across the Australia Mission on how the pandemic has affected them and also how their passions and careers are nourish their spiritual life. In the Kid’s section of the Herald we focus on ministries to and for kids. It includes some of the ministries that are taking place around Australia.

Australia Herald July 2021 - In the Valleys

“In this edition of the Australia Herald, we explore the times in our lives where loss and grief are present. This may well be, at least in my time, one of the most powerful and emotional editions of the Australia Herald. It highlights for me the blessings of community, and how much we can assist our neighbours going through loss or struggle by offering a listening ear and a compassionate heart. Ben Smith

Australia Herald June 2021 - Engage

This is the question I hope you ask yourself as you read through these pages. ‘What is it that engages me in Christ’s mission?' What ignites my passion and that of my community? Is it the welfare of others, or healing or hospitality or wholeness or inclusiveness? Is it about bringing God’s Kingdom to earth? Is it about divine grace and seeing God in everything and everyone? Is it about helping humanity move forward?