“This edition of our Australia Herald, rather than leave us in the despair of Good Friday with all its pain and suffering, takes us on a journey through Christ’s suffering, our own adversities and the despair of others to a place where we vision Christ in our midst.” Anne Bonnefin Letter from the Editor.
Australia Herald February 2021 - Friendship
“This edition of the Herald explores (that) beauty [of Friendship] through stories from around our nation, and indeed, the world. It’s an invitation to explore your friendships, how you foster and nurture them, and how you might value them. Our connections as a community are everlasting, and sustain us through challenging times.” Ben Smith, Letter from the Editor.
Australia Herald December 2020- January 2021 - Trust What is Being Born
Birthing New Beginnings "The pages here in this edition speak of new beginnings, vulnerability and trust, challenging us to undertake a journey of faith which is soulful, not one of simply holding onto our beliefs but reaching deep into them with questioning and wonder. From this place and with trust in God we learn to articulate a vision that speaks of both relationships and eternal things." Anne Bonnefin, Letter from the Editor.
Read the FULL December-January edition Here
Australia Herald November 2020 - Creating Community - Special Youth Edition
Special Youth Edition - Creating Community - In this edition of the Herald, we asked our youth what being part of community meant for them. There are some inspiring stories here, and their voices are a challenge to be more real, more intentional, and to listen deeply.
Read the FULL November edition Here
Australia Herald October 2020 - Sacred Spaces
Sacred Spaces - Numinous Experience "This month’s edition takes us on a thoughtful journey into how and where we experience the ‘Sacred’.......and I trust as you read, and then reflect upon your own -‘sacred experiences in sacred places’- you will be warmed by the Spirit of the Divine that connects us all."
Read the FULL October edition Here
Australia Herald September 2020 - Blessings of Community
Australia Herald August 2020 - Celebrating Diversity
A new way of being - “In the Body of Christ there is neither male nor female, rich nor poor, slave nor freeperson, heterosexual nor homosexual as the Apostle Paul recognised in Galatians 3.28 and as has been reinforced in Doctrine and Covenants Section 164.5: It is imperative to understand that when you are truly baptized into Christ you become part of a new creation. By taking on the life and mind of Christ, you increasingly view yourselves and others from a changed perspective. Former ways of defining people by economic status, social class, sex, gender, or ethnicity no longer are primary. Through the gospel of Christ a new community of tolerance, reconciliation, unity in diversity, and love is being born as a visible sign of the coming reign of God. To be the Body of Christ requires open friendship.”
Read the FULL August edition Here
Australia Herald July 2020 - Unfolding Future
“It seems apparent, that whether we like it or not, we are entering a new age. Developments in technology, especially in communication – technology, have profoundly affected our way of life in recent times. Religion is not exempted from these challenges. In this edition we discuss developing models of cooperation and mutual support in these troubled times.”
Read the FULL July edition Here
Australia Herald June 2020 - Holding Space for Spirit
“Holding space for the 'Spirit of Life' to breathe into our everyday is vital to our wholeness and sense of wellbeing. It is in this space we find inspiration, courage, connection and peace. It is about 'Holding Space for Spirit' that the stories in this edition are dedicated to.”
Read the FULL June edition Here
Australia Herald May 2020 - Changing Communities, Changing Lives
“This edition of the Herald is dedicated to each of you, our volunteers. The church is a collection of people who care, and we’ve selected but a few of you to share stories of how giving has changed your life. It reflects on how we as people contribute to God’s creative works, through discernment and encounter.”
Read the FULL May edition Here
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Australia Herald April 2020 - Strength of Spirit
“Hope is a powerful concept. It creates a door for us to walk through, which, although we may be experiencing hardship and confusion, we know we’ll be safe as there is light beyond our darkness. It still takes courage to walk through it, especially when fear is holding us back, but hope allows us to journey together into a space which seems uncertain. “
Read the FULL April edition Here
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Australia Herald March 2020 - Sacred Pathways
“It’s my hope that as you journey through this Edition of the Herald, that your awareness of the Spirit as it speaks to you, prompts you, and calls you into new ways of living out your discipleship, is heightened. May this season of Lent be a time of awakening and of transformation for you, as it was for the One we follow.”
Read the FULL March edition Here
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Australia Herald February 2020 - Plunge
“What does it mean for you to plunge into the New Year? Perhaps it means to listen to that still small voice calling you onward, perhaps it means acknowledging your doubts, finding renewed strength in community and God, counting your blessings and then plunging in. May God whisper in your ear - I’m greater than all your doubts. May your year be filled with moments of Awe!”
Read the February edition Here
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Australia Herald Dec 2019/ Jan 2020 - Birth
In this edition of the Australia Herald ‘Birth - The Christmas Principle’, there is a common thread running through……that has to do with generosity, transformation and rebirth.
Read the December/ January edition Here
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Australia Herald November 2019 - Stand Up
What do you stand for? Your voice can change the world.
Read the November edition Here
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Australia Herald October 2019 - Journeys Towards Wholeness
"The journey of discovery lies not in seeking new landscapes - it is in seeing with new eyes." - Marcel Proust
"Often it is not in times of happiness or peace where real transformation occurs. It mostly happens when we realise in the midst of crisis in our complicated and complex lives that we have a choice to do things differently.
This issue is about our wellbeing. Not a sugar coated recipe but one of authenticity as we seek, within the struggles of our lives, to find what it means to live well, live fully and live deeply.”
Read the October edition Here
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Australia Herald September 2019 - Space to Breathe
“Where do you find that place to push the pause button, that space to breathe, to contemplate, to pray?
When you play an instrument or sing, you are taught that the spaces between the notes are just as important as the notes themselves..……This edition is about not only finding that silent pause but also about allowing the Spirit to breathe in every circumstance of our lives - it’s about community, connection and living into the mystery.”
Read the September edition Here
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Australia Herald August 2019 - Faith & Reason
“The theme of this issue is Faith and Reason and it focuses on the need to distinguish between eternal truth (the really core elements of faith) and, on the other hand, attempts to convey eternal truth in human language with all its limitations. One of the Enduring Principles in Community of Christ is belief in continuing revelation which seeks to apply the core elements of faith to the questions raised by contemporary existence.”
Read the August edition Here
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Australia Herald July 2019 - Promoting Community, Towards Peaceful Harmony
"We fling open the doors, take our faith to the world and we find new ways to express to this generation the sacred connection we have with the Divine. Everyday symbols take on new meaning - it’s the little things, a simple cup of coffee, a piece of chocolate, a smile, a laugh, a listening ear. These things, expressed with intention, become sacred interactions."
Read the July edition Here
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Australia Herald June 2019 - Love is the Message
"Church is not just Sunday mornings, and it is not just inside a building. May you be inspired, may you be enlivened, may you be challenged and may you be willing to respond to find ways to share Christ’s and Our message of love with a world crying out in need."
Read the June edition Here
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