“It’s going to take some time to get a full report on loss of life, injuries, and damage to church property and the property of our church families,” Smith said. The epicenter of the quake was in the western part of the country near Trou de Nippes.
AWOL 20th August - Love Flows Out
Join us as we worship Australia wide.
Guest Minister: Dr Todd Houston
Dr Todd Houston is an Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at Griffith University in Brisbane Queensland and received his Post Doctorate Fellowship at John Hopkins. Todd like our famous Professor Julius Sumner Miller also loves to explore the question, “Why is it so?”.
Todd, his wife Joanne and his daughter Emily are much loved as part of the Brisbane Congregation of Community of Christ where Todd also serves as Pastor. Like the popular songs of his generation Todd was “Born in the USA” and “Still (Now) calls Australia home”. As a Scientist, Todd believes God can be seen very clearly sitting at the Periodic Table and we look forward this week to his intelligent exploration coupled with his wit and charm as together we explore the simple equation of: +++ = > Love. Love flows out!
The Open Door 22nd Birthday Celebrations
CPLUS: Resilience
“I am so sad to announce that Community Plus camp 2021 has been cancelled. Just as the theme of camp was 'resilience', we must be flexible and able to adapt to our circumstances. Unfortunately, our circumstances across many states right now are that we need to stay home to protect ourselves and protect each other….”
"This may well be, one of the most powerful and emotional editions....."
Read the latest Australia Herald now.
Join in from wherever you are!
Don't miss out - there’s so much happening online this weekend! Find out here: https://mailchi.mp/15b6e7accfaa/whatson-line100821
New dates announced in the International Speaker Series!
“Come you who are Hungry”, AWOL with Richard Gillard as guest speaker
Australia Worships Online! Join us online for Communion this Sunday, 8th of August, at 10am AEST. We are excited to have Richard Gillard as our guest speaker.
Our Shared Story - online class series begins 15 August
Your feedback can change the future!
We want to hear from you! Your feedback gives us advice as to how we can continue to serve the community with online worship ministry. Click here >> to participate in the short survey.
You are invited to be a meaningful part this Anniversary Concert
The Open Door are holding a variety concert on August 14, at 7pm, to raise money for Saints Care and oblation to assist people in financial hardship during the lockdowns. It is also the Open Door's 22nd anniversary. We want you to help us celebrate as well as support Community of Christ in giving aid to people in need.
Please register today and we look forward to a great night!
Register here or via the Facebook link to invite others.
SAVE THE DATE: CPlus Camp in September!
USA - Health and Spirituality Workshop
Australia Wide Online Worship this Sunday 25 July
Australia Worships Online! Join us online for Communion this Sunday, 25th of July, at 10am AEST. We are excited to have Wendy Ballard as our guest minister.
SAVE THE DATE: Jnr Family Camp
Connect with a simple click
You may have already noticed a NEW button on our homepage. This is a quick way to find Local Congregation Online activities!
Australia Worships Online! Communion with guest speaker Carla Long
Join us online for Communion this Sunday, 11th of July, at 10am AEST. We are excited to have Carla Long as our guest speaker.
Join with us as we remember God's presence in our lives and the difference we are making in the world.
Heal Country! Naidoc Week 2021
This week is NAIDOC week and the 2021 theme – Heal Country! – calls for all of us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and our cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction. Find our more.
What if we told you....
Australia Worships Online: participate in this 5min survey and help us to plan how we can best continue to serve the community with ministry, a sense of connection and fellowship.