CPLUS: Resilience

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I am so sad to announce that Community Plus camp 2021 has been cancelled. Just as the theme of camp was 'resilience', we must be flexible and able to adapt to our circumstances. Unfortunately, our circumstances across many states right now are that we need to stay home to protect ourselves and protect each other.

In lieu of this camp, we will be holding a special 1hr online event on the night that camp was meant to start - Sunday 26th of September at 8pm we will meet on discord.

I was SO looking forward to being together as a community again, I will especially miss the last night of camp, huddled in the upper room as we share in communion together before heading down to the bonfire.

Take care of yourselves, reach out if you need a chat and stay hydrated.

Quarantined regards,


Contact Youth & Young Adult Minister, Alicia Turner: aturner@cofchrist.com.au

You can still get involved with CPlus activities, weekly, details here.