YOU Belong

This Saturday, 27 June, we celebrate Global Pride Day with a call of love and inclusion; upholding the enduring principle of the Worth of all Persons: we seek to uphold and restore the worth of all people individually and in community, challenging unjust systems that diminish human worth.

Together we Give #givingtuesdaynow

This Tuesday 26 May is "GIVE WHAT YOU CAN", as part of  the global campaign #givingtuesdaynow, is focusing on not-for-profits. We hope that you will consider supporting Community of Christ at this time. 

Visit our website to donate:

Giving to the church impacts lives across the nation, helping people connect with each other and with God.

Even if you're not in a position to give money right now, we urge you consider giving in other ways; maybe you can give time or share your skills or experience. Find out more:


A Time to Mourn

National Council of Churches is broadcasting a memorial service this Sunday, May 24th at 6:00 p.m. Eastern Time (U.S.A) (this is a world-wide service).

This is an ecumenical service to remember and honor those who have loss their lives in a time when services were not allowed.  

Register your interest to participate, or find out more here: a-time-to-mourn