On HARMONY, with Community Plus

This Sunday evening, 31 May, Community Plus will meet for a presentation on Harmony by Parker Johnson all the way from Canada. Harmony provides advocacy, education, and resources for Queer voices* in Community of Christ with a shared vision of full participation. The purpose of Harmony is to affirm the dignity and worth of all persons without regard to gender, race, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation.

*The term Queer is being reclaimed by some who identify as LGBTQ+ and is used as an umbrella term for the LGBTQ+ community.  We use the phrase “Queer voices” to describe all persons, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI), who have the courage to use their voice to speak for justice for the marginalized in the Queer community.

Community Plus is for youth & young adults, their Sunday gathering is at 8pm (AEST), join them: zoom.us/j/511264447 or contact our Youth & Young Adult Minister, Alicia Turner: aturner@cofchrist.com.au
