Toward the Peaceful One

The guiding question first was asked by President Stephen Veazey in his closing sermon at the 2019 World Conference.

This unfolding series is an entry point to ongoing conversation about nonviolence by reclaiming and deepening our understanding of first-century Jesus and how that impacts us as followers of the peaceful One today. The NEW multimedia connection points below are intended to create opportunities for discussion and education in response to World Conference Resolution 1319.

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The Herald series begins in the May/June issue with “Toward the Peaceful One: Jesus Christ in Restoration Perspective.” It is also online at The series continues through May/June 2021 with topics drawn from Doctrine and Covenants 163:4a-b exploring what nonviolence looks like from the perspective of the poor, displaced, mistreated, diseased, and more.


Matt Frizzell, Human Resource Ministries director at International Headquarters and a Community of Christ minister, will share a reflection on each Herald article in videos. View them on IGTV on Instagram or Facebook. The videos also will be shared on


Online groups will be offered via Zoom on the in June, August, October, December, February 2021, April, and June. The first online discussion group will be held on Monday, June 1 at 7:30 p.m. (USA /CDT). This is a free event hosted on Zoom. Apostle Janné Grover will lead a discussion with Matt Frizzell, author of the first article in the series. Opportunties for questions to the author and small-group discussion will be provided.

This event is free but registration is required for the online discussion.

“Whether someone starts with a belief in Jesus or concern for the world’s pressing problems, the hope we can find in divine possibilities is something we search and yearn for,” Frizzell said.
