Further COVID-19 Coronavirus update

14 March 2020

Hi All,

A further update on yesterday’s advice.

The First Presidency have issued a statement this morning as follows (and attached):

“After considering many factors, the First Presidency advises congregations and mission centers to suspend church gatherings such as worship services, meals, conferences, funerals, and other group activities in response to the projected spread of the COVID-19 virus. 

The anticipated duration of this recommended suspension of group activities is three weeks. This situation is fluid. Church-related COVID-19 updates will be provided at www.CofChrist.org/covid-19.”

With this in mind, and the Australian Government’s recent recommendations to suspend all gatherings of over 500 people from Monday 16th of March, the Australia Mission Centre Leadership Team have met and feel it prudent to combine those advices and suspend all congregational and group activities from Monday 16th of March (or immediately if deemed appropriate for your congregation or group). Congregations are to suspend activities until April 6 unless otherwise notified.

Where food pantries operate, congregations may continue to provide food parcels, however offer no social ministry at this time to minimise interpersonal contact. All other social ministries are to follow the above suspension guidelines.

It may be appropriate for your congregation or area to reconsider your need for upcoming scheduled events such as camps or retreats, and make plans for their postponement or cancellation.

I will be communicating on Monday as to new opportunities for worship and contemplation using various technologies while this suspension occurs.

The Mission Centre Office will also be unattended during that time, with staff working remotely. Please be in touch via email or mobile, a list of contact details can be found here (https://www.cofchrist.com.au/contact)

As I said in my statement yesterday, it is prudent we look after each other at this time, both physically and spiritually. I encourage you to remain connected and communicate with each other regularly.

Please let me know if you have any questions.



Ben Smith
Community of Christ, Australia Mission Centre