Statement relating to COVID-19, from Australia Mission President Ben Smith

A letter from Mission President, Ben Smith regarding the unfolding situation relating to coronavirus COVID-19 and the church’s response as it relates to our missional activities:

12 March 2020


As information continues to unfold regarding coronavirus COVID-19, we are concerned about the spread of the virus throughout Australia, and the world. While we’re doing our best to ensure all ministries are offered to those in our communities, particularly those who are vulnerable, we also have a role to play when it comes to community safety and the prevention of its spread. There is a lot of information around us which overplays and underplays the seriousness of COVID-19, and so we are relying upon our government and non-government health officials to indicate our response as Community of Christ in Australia.

Given many of our members and friends represent those in vulnerable communities who are more likely to be affected by COVID-19, we are asking congregations and groups to exercise caution and good practice when it comes to whether their gatherings are necessary.

In line with government recommendations and to ensure the safety and health of those attending our events, we are asking those who have travelled overseas recently to not attend Community of Christ gatherings unless you have been home for at least 14 days and have no symptoms. If you are feeling ill, we also ask you to evaluate your need to be at Community of Christ gatherings, as there are many in our midst who may have their health compromised by your presence.

Social distancing is proving to be an effective measure for reducing risk of contraction, as are the usual hygiene methods of hand washing thoroughly, covering your cough or sneezes and avoiding contact with people if you are unwell. I have attached a document which provides clear and accurate advice as to what the virus is and how to prevent contracting coronavirus COVID-19.

If you have registered for a camp or event and are either unable or wish not to go, please be in contact with the Director of the camp and we will arrange a refund for you. While we do not want to add to the panic around us, it is prudent to be proactive in our approach to protecting vulnerable people.

If you have any questions about whether your event or gathering (including Sunday morning worship) should go ahead, please be in contact with Mission President Ben Smith (

May we spiritually hold each other up in this time, as many have high levels of anxiety and concern. May we band together and use this time to discover innovative ways to support our communities during this time is my prayer.


Ben Smith

Australia Mission President