On Monday night, I attended an event that promised to explore whether Australian society has become more divided. Comparisons to the USA naturally arose, as the political commentators on the panel drew on their firsthand experiences covering recent US elections. Yet, what stood out to me was not the polarisation I expected but the thoughtful, reasoned perspectives shared by the speakers.
Your Journey to Bethlehem and Beyond
We have now entered the Christian season of Advent celebrated in Christian communities throughout the world. The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming”. It is a season of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus taking in the four Sundays preceding Christmas.
A Heartfelt Thank You
Matt Frizzell is on his way home after 16 days of whirlwind travel and Rick Sarre is finally back home in Adelaide. Their ‘Road Trip’ was a terrific experience enjoyed by so many. Over 2,200 kilometres by car, 10 sites visited, over 200 people contacted and another 50 online (39 AWOL, 11 Open Door).
The Rhythm of Life
What matters most in our witness as a faith community today?
What Instruments Are You Playing in the Orchestra of Life?
It was way back in 1994 that Betty and I had the privilege of attending a “Tribute to Sir Eugene Goossens” at the Sydney Opera House. Sir Eugene Goossens (1893-1962) was an English-born conductor and composer. He was the first permanent conductor of the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and Director of the NSW State Conservatorium of Music.
Recently, I’ve found my attention drawn to a Podcast series called “He’Brew” within the Project Zion Podcast, which focuses on the Old Testament writings. It was an episode on “The Law.” After listening to this particular episode, I felt inspired to open the Book of Leviticus to see if anything would capture my attention. Leviticus sounded a lot like an ancient priesthood manual, filled with religious rituals and purity laws.
World Communion Day Blog
Communion is one of my favourite sacraments in the church. I love the ritual and tradition, no matter how it is presented. Whether I’m kneeling before the emblems during a large in-person service, or sitting around a table with a small group, discussing our relationship with Jesus, our shortcomings, and our hopes—communion creates a deep sense of connection and closeness. Even online, I can set up a sacred space at home, prepare my own emblems, and still feel united with my faith community across the country.
God's Love Overflowing
At the outer edge of the ocean pool is a wall. Most of the time, it holds the water in, but when the tide rises and crashes over the pool’s edge, it also keeps the swimmers safe inside. When swimming laps, it’s hard to see the edge until you’re almost upon it. In fact, they’ve painted it white, likely because you wouldn’t notice it otherwise.