Entertaining Strangers

The weather threatened rain as Ken Archer and I arrived at Tiona on Thursday, ready to review new signage and final touches for the Tiona Chapel. No matter how many times I visit, I’m always excited to be there. Aren’t you?

I hopped out of Ken’s four-wheel drive, expecting to see familiar faces. Waving, I walked toward the new café, only to realize I was waving at strangers.

"Do I know you?" asked the man sitting at a picnic table outside.

“No, I always wave at strangers," I laughed.

And so began a morning filled with decision-making alongside members of the Tiona Management Team. My discussions about the chapel were punctuated by conversations about God and divine revelation with my new acquaintance, who had followed us to the chapel out of curiosity. He was keen to tell his story and talk about God and a surfing movie he was making.

Has this ever happened to you? You unexpectedly extend hospitality, help a stranger, or find yourself in a meaningful conversation with someone on a train, bus, or plane. These moments catch you off guard but leave a lasting impression.

Today at Drummoyne Church the congregation have gathered to fund raise for Women’s and Girls Emergency Centre Redfern. As the team cooks sausages, makes coffees and sells cakes there are plenty of opportunities to engage in conversations with the community.

I love these serendipitous encounters. Imagine how much better the world would be if we took more time to reach outside our comfort zone to connect with one another.

In reflecting on these moments, I’m reminded of Hebrews 13:2, which says, "Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some have entertained angels without knowing it." Perhaps in these small acts of hospitality and connection we grow closer to living the kingdom of God on earth.