God's Love Overflowing

At the outer edge of the ocean pool is a wall. Most of the time, it holds the water in, but when the tide rises and spills over the pool’s edge, it also keeps the swimmers safe inside. When swimming laps, it’s hard to see the edge until you’re almost upon it. In fact, they’ve painted it white, because you wouldn’t notice it otherwise. 

I love to pause at this edge and gaze out at the waves and the vast ocean. It’s a welcome break from the rhythm of swimming, a chance to breathe. Beyond the wall is a rocky outcrop, sometimes exposed and sometimes covered by the tide. It’s a precarious, slippery place, especially when the waves crash over it— It reminds me that life can be unpredictable and can sometimes threaten our sense of safety.

Today was glorious. The sky stretched out in a perfect blue, and the water was crystal clear. Yet each time I stopped at the edge after a lap, I noticed the tide rising until the waves started to break over the wall and gently fill the pool.

As I swam, I thought about how humanity has always built walls. Sometimes they’re there to protect, other times to divide, and occasionally, they shield us from things we’re not ready to face. At times, these walls offer comfort and safety, but other times, they prevent us from connecting or engaging fully with life.

Life has a way of spilling over the walls we build. Loss, grief, disruption, and stress can unexpectedly crash into our lives, overwhelming the calm we try to maintain. But just as life's challenges can break through our walls, so too can comfort, peace, and hope flow in when we least expect it. In the Bible, it says: "For you bless the godly, O Lord; you surround them with your shield of love." (Psalm 5:12).

Spiritual Practice: Take a moment to reflect on the walls in your life. Are they shielding you from harm, or are they keeping you from something? As you sit quietly, picture God’s love as the rising tide, gently spilling over the walls you’ve built, surrounding you with peace. Breathe deeply and invite that shield of love to surround you, remembering that in tough times, God’s presence is constant.

This week, some of us are grieving the loss of a dear family member and others of us have lost a valued mentor and friend. May we find comfort in prayer, asking for God to shield us with love during this time of saddness. Just as the ocean’s tide can spill over the pool’s edge, may God’s love overflow into our lives, providing comfort and strength when we need it most.