World Communion Day Blog

Communion is one of my favourite sacraments in the church. I love the ritual and tradition, regardless of how it is presented. Whether I’m kneeling before the emblems during a large in-person service, or sitting around a table with a small group, discussing our relationship with Jesus, our shortcomings, and our hopes—communion creates a deep sense of connection and closeness. Even online, I can set up a sacred space at home, prepare my own emblems, and still feel united with my faith community across the country.

The preparation, the partaking of the emblems, and the act of remembering Jesus' teachings and our baptism are powerful reminders. It’s a moment to reflect on the commitments we’ve made, knowing that our past mistakes are forgiven, and we are offered a fresh start.

In Community of Christ, everyone is invited to the table—no matter what denomination background may be, history, or age. The beauty of communion is in its inclusivity. Whether the bread is white, brown, gluten-free, or yeast-free, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that, like the different breads, each one of us represents a beautiful, diverse family. We gather to remember Jesus and celebrate the unity we share through the holy spirit.

World Communion Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of October, uniting Christians from various denominations across the globe. It's a day to reflect on the gift of sharing—the breaking of bread and the pouring of wine—in remembrance of Jesus and the sacred meal of communion.

For those unable to partake in communion at a local congregation this coming Sunday, you might consider inviting a few people around your table to connect and share in fellowship. For those interested, you can join the AWOL online service on October 13th and prepare a sacred space in your home. You can also reach out to a Community of Christ minister to requesting the emblems where you are. You might also just take a moment to reflect on a meaningful communion experience from your past. There are many ways to experience and embrace the sacredness of this sacrament, no matter where you are.

“Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loaf”

1 Corinthians 10:17

-       Emma Ghazarian 4/10/24