People have died there!

“While I’m in Newcastle, I’d like to go swimming in an ocean rock pool.” was Deb’s request. “I have challenged myself to swim in as many ocean baths around Australia as I can. I’ve heard of the Bogey Hole in Newcastle” She said hopefully.

“The Bogey Hole is a secret swimming spot that is best to visit at low tie.” I informed Deb “The waves can be rough and they can wash you against the side or metal stanchions of the platform. People have died there!”

On Perseverance as We Enter a New Year

The making of New Year’s resolutions is like setting out on a journey.  There are a few decisions that must be made before we commence.  What are we going to pack in our suitcase to take with us on this journey?  Where are we going?  How are we going to get there?  What is the trip going to cost in time and money?  This is an exercise we have probably gone through many times in our lives. 

Leaning in

In an article today The Salt Lake Tribute begins  “Community of Christ calls its first female president-prophet 40 years after opening ordination to women.” ….If you haven’t caught up with the news there is much abuzz on social media about the appointment of Stacie Cramm to lead our faith community.

Challenges of a New Year

  A New Year to me is like sitting on Tiona beach and looking east.

An entire ocean of possibilities, including sunny days and a few storms with howling winds and giant waves, stretch out across the seemingly endless sea.  If we let ourselves, we could become so afraid of the potential dangers, so safety conscious, we would miss the adventure.

What will you share?

I am extremely hesitant as I begin to write this, because I know the likelihood of what will follow as a result. It always does. No matter how I preface it, regardless of how it is phrased, inevitably the responses come. “Oh come on, of course you can!” “Don’t be like that!” “We don’t care, just give it a try!” And… it only seems exacerbated at this time of year.