In an article dated 18th January, The Salt Lake Tribute begins “Community of Christ calls its first female president-prophet 40 years after opening ordination to women.” ….If you haven’t caught up with the news there is much abuzz on social media about the appointment of Stacie Cramm to lead our faith community.
The article goes on to praise her engineering background, her leadership strengths, her abilities to get things done and her special talent of facilitation. At the end of the article they quote Stacie “We can’t re-create the heyday of what was. We can learn from it and build upon it, but we must constantly be making the most of the gift of the present as we lean into what might be as we listen and respond to God’s call.”
Below in the announcement section is more information about this wonderful news and an opportunity for you to share your prayers and support.
In Stacie’s words, we must constantly make the most of the present moment by leaning in, listening and responding to God’s call. In his editorial this month Bill Gillard challenges us not to just sit on the sand and ‘lean out’. Leaning in, traditionally used in sports, means to shift one’s body weight forward. In water and snow sports, you can lean in to a wave, the wind, a slope or a turn. You can lean in to a pitch, or throw or catch as well. Leaning in is also to actively engage in the pursuit of your goals, not to be passive or hesitant. It’s about being bold and proactive, committing more fully to something. In this context it is about choosing belief in things yet unseen - in other words faith. Leaning in we then are open to hear to what God is calling us to.
How are you leaning in to this year? Prayerfully commit to be open to listen for whispers of God’s voice. What is inspiring you? What do you love? What are you being drawn to? Where are you being called?
Pray this adaption of the Missional Prayer and jot down any thoughts that come to you:
God, where is your Spirit leading me this year? May I stay open, alert and ready to respond to your call. Help me make the best of every moment and become a blessing of your love and peace. Amen
Anne Bonnefin
Communications Co ordinator
Community of Christ Australia
Click here to read the full announcement
or Click here to share your prayers and statements of support
or Click here to read Katie Harmon-McLaughlin’s reflections on the Discernment Process
or Click here for Statements of Support