‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So, throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore.’ Mark Twain
The term ‘trade winds’ was originally derived from the early fourteenth century meaning of the word ‘trade’ to mean ‘path’ or ‘track’. The sea faring Portuguese recognized the importance of the trade winds – volta do mar, meaning in Portuguese ‘turn of the sea’ but also ‘return from the sea’.
The phrase ‘catch the trade winds’ maybe isn’t used much these days but don’t you just love the imagery of sailing and exploring uncharted territory with curiosity, a full sail and an open heart? Perhaps in business we are more likely to say ‘ Follow the momentum.’ In our church we probably use the word ‘discern’ or ask ‘What are you feeling called to do?’, ‘Where is God calling you?’, ‘What matters most?’ or ‘What is our mission?’
Nevertheless, a strong wind is blowing at the start of this year. Can you feel it? It is heralding change and challenge. The only thing you can do is put up the biggest sail and embrace the wide-open spaces of your faith with trust that you too will return to safe harbours with newfound wisdom and deeper connections.
Take a moment to ask yourself ‘Where are the tradewinds blowing me this year?” They may be directing your course to connect with God’s love in community; retreats, online, conversations, prayer groups, learning new skills, study, church gatherings, work with children, youth, work for transformation, justice or wholeness or to take a leadership role. If you live in Queensland they may be calling you to join the Saints Care volunteer community. Whatever your course, let us encourage and support each other as we sail towards the creative source of all life and are transformed by Love.
This prayer I compiled from words that our community wrote on our Transformation graphic at last year’s National Conference – as we journey towards the Special Mission Centre Conference on 18th February I share these words again;
Transform me Holy Discomforter.
Unlock my mind that my faith
might dwell in sheer possibility.
Join up the dots from your heart to my own that Christ
might be found at my very core.
Grant me vision as I
look upward to the stars.
I am a diamond in the rough,
journeying onwards,
waiting, listening
and ready to be changed.
Journeying inwards,
discovering my true capacity and my
dimension of love.
May I find in community, trust, unity and connection.
May we together see a new horizon and reach for
somewhere we never could have imagined.
Anne Bonnefin
Communications Co ordinator
Community of Christ Australia