Blessing the future with what we do today.

A few weeks ago I travelled to the USA to attend meetings there. At the meetings our discussions focussed on discerning future leadership for our global church. During my visit I was saddened to hear of the passing of President Wallace B. Smith. He served as prophet-president of our church from 1978-1998. I had only personally met him on one or two occasions, and then only after he had retired, yet I (like many others) reflected on his passing and his prophetic ministry in guiding the church. I considered how my global church family around the world might be feeling and how they were impacted by this man, if at all. 

As I spent time more time in deep contemplation my thoughts about President W.B.Smith’s legacy merged with my discernment regarding future global leadership for this time. The significance of our connection began to grow within my mind. President ‘Wally B’ oversaw the construction of a Temple dedicated to the pursuit of peace, in Independence. This is a place where I had an experience with the Spirit which I believe led me to the very spot I write this message today. Had it not been for that sacred space, sharing with fellow disciples from around the globe when I was a teenager, I am unsure of where I would be today. President Smith also provided counsel that welcomed women into the Priesthood. I was baptised by a woman, get to share in wonderful ministry with so many gifted women, and am blessed to work with a woman Apostle. Wallace B. also opened Communion to all Christians, and I have had the blessing of sharing with Christian friends around lounge rooms, dining tables, church sanctuaries, and even out in mother nature. All of this made me realise the significant impact his leadership has had pn my faith, my discipleship journey, and my Spirituality!   

 Our current president Stephen M. Veazey, described President Smith in 2009 when presenting him with the Seminary Vision Award: “I believe that future historians of the church will conclude that President Smith not only capably fulfilled the responsibilities of prophet-president, he courageously provided leadership that transformed the church. Such transformational leadership is the essence of what it means to be a visionary, because it not only involves seeing the preferred future but also setting in motion the strategies that create that future.”

 I believe that now is a time for us in Australia to be visionary. Strategy is being set in motion to guide us into our preferred future here in Australia and each one of you is a part of that strategy. I again would like to encourage you to participate in the Transformation process through the upcoming Town Hall meetings listed below.

I also invite you to join with me on October 29 for a world-wide day of prayer and fasting as the church discerns its future global leader.

Tomorrow across Australia we will vote in a referendum. in your considerations I ask sincerely that you reflect on our enduring principles as a faith community as you cast your vote. 

 What we do at times may seem small and insignificant, Yet we never truly fully know how our actions, our kindness, our acts of love, our prayers, our ministry will impact and bless others now and into the future.

Adam Wade
Mission President (Interim)
Community of Christ Australia