Promptings of the Spirit

I have been caught up in what I call a medical whirlwind for many years now. I have found that I have withdrawn from many of my normal activities since Covid as quite a few of my family are immune compromised, then it became my way of coping.

The Evangelists in Australia meet online once a month and I have not joined the group for a long time now. I felt I had nothing left to give, then came the feeling of being unworthy to be part of the group. The monthly meeting was approaching.  I was having an internal battle about joining the group.  This is my testimony of the promptings of the spirit that continues to bless my life if I listen.

In my kitchen we have little I AM cards put together by Lara Stewart.  My daughter and I change these cards every now and then depending I guess on how we are feeling. I noticed that the card had been changed to I AM WORTHY.  I had a dentist appointment on the day but got home well and truly in time for the meeting. I had technical trouble getting the picture and sound when it was time to join and the thought crossed my mind to not join but something within prompted me to keep trying.  I did join but not in the discussion. One of the concerns they held close to their hearts was how could we spiritually support our community with the unknown future, many changes and struggles. A suggestion was to share our own personal testimony of how we had experienced the spirit in an Evangelist Blessing we have given or even our own Blessing we had received.  Those words stirred in me.

On retiring for the night, I felt prompted to respond with my testimony. Then during the night, I woke and the same thought came to my mind. In the days to follow they just kept coming to me. I have found that God can be very persistent in my life. I have been encouraged many times to do things that are well and truly out of my comfort zone.

This is my testimony of my Evangelist Blessings 

I had my first Evangelist Blessing in my late teens by Brother Harry Jacka. I have and still read this Blessing many times since receiving it. The spirit while reading these words has got me through some difficult and worrying times.

I married my husband David and had three children. A daughter Kristy and twin boys Jason and Simon.  My friend Bev across the road had two older daughters and also twin boys six months younger than my boys. Hence, we shared a lot of times together. My friend was diagnosed with cancer when the boys were around six and passed away when they were eight years old. Those years were challenging, happy times (appreciating the gift of time and friendship) and some very sad and heartbreaking times.

I can remember going to a camp at Kallara after Bev had passed feeling very fragile and concerned about how I could support my friends four children.  Everett Gaffeo was the guest ministry. One morning while he was up the front, I felt time stood still and the words came to me that I needed to ask Everett for an Evangelist Blessing. The thought had never entered my mind to have another blessing but the feeling was so strong that when I had the chance, I shared with Everett my experience and asked if this would be possible. Now as an Evangelist myself I know how the times shared before a blessing are valued and very much a growing part of the journey.  Everett made a time for us to share more and then needed time to talk to God. The next day he told me that he felt like the time was right. I had my blessing and the morning after it was given, I can remember Everett coming up to me. He told me during the blessing he had experienced something very special and again repeated something I needed to reflect upon deeply. Words to this day that are still with me.

I still read both my Blessings and find each one continues to speak to my heart in the times I need God’s comfort and guidance.  I am very grateful for a loving God who sees the bigger picture, gets us and loves us beyond our imagination.

I know deep within that there is someone out there meant to read these words because as my tears flow, I feel very overwhelmed with the spirit.  Listen to the promptings deep within. Know that God loves YOU. I pray you will be blessed according to the desires of your heart, for the desires are well known to God and through God’s grace you will be ministered to according to your everyday need.

I pray that each and every one will be blessed as we discern what God desires for us and a world in need of God’s touch.


Love and blessings

 Helen McIlroy.

The sacrament of evangelist blessing is a powerful symbol and unique expression of God’s eternal love and concern for us. The sacrament of evangelist blessing for an individual, congregation, couple, or family includes the following elements:  

  • Time of spiritual preparation;  

  • Prayer offered by a member(s) of the Order of Evangelists;  

  • Access to a written or digital copy of the prayer; and  

  • Sharing in ongoing reflection on God’s continuous blessings followed by active implementation of what the participant(s) discern as guidance for their lives. 

  • If you want to learn more go to or email