Expressions of interest

Dear Members of Community of Christ,
The role of Australia Mission Centre President plays an important part within our faith community, requiring dedication, spiritual discernment, and a deep commitment to serving God and fellow disciples. With this in mind, I wish to share the opportunity for ‘Expressions of Interest’ in serving as the next Australia Mission Centre President. As Mission Centre President, you would have the responsibility of leading and supporting our community in its mission to proclaim Jesus Christ and promote communities of joy, hope, love, and peace.
If you feel called to this important role and believe that you have the gifts and qualifications necessary to serve effectively, I invite you to submit your  ‘Expression of Interest,’ or any questions to:
Adam Wade:
Please include a brief statement outlining your reasons for seeking the position, as well as any relevant information you feel is important. All submissions will be prayerfully considered by the Australia Mission Centre leadership team, and candidates may be invited for further information, discussion, or interview.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to serve our church in a leadership capacity. Your willingness to step forward and offer your gifts and talents is deeply appreciated and valued.
Adam Wade

Click here for Position Description