New Caledonia in our Prayers

The current situation in New Caledonia is critical. Over the past few days the territory has been experiencing severe unrest due to a civil conflict.

Our church representative in New Caledonia reported that the French state has declared a state of emergency. The French army and all intervention forces are preparing to deploy to regain control of the situation.

Yesterday evening, I  spoke with Kareva  ( church staff) and Jérémie ( member of the church), and their account of the current situation in New Caledonia is heartbreaking. Their testimony is marked by chaos, fear, cold, and great anxiety.

In addition to all the major stores and central locations being set on fire, as reported by the media, there are also sick people suffering terribly from the lack of medication. They are advised to check with neighbors for prescription drugs that might have dosages suitable for them, while the destruction of dialysis machines endangers the lives of patients who depend on them. The elderly, both in care centers and at home, lack food, children and infants lack milk, and food shortages affect the entire population. Families are trapped while militias disregard all warnings, whether curfews or otherwise. Supplied stores are stormed, with aggressive customers fighting in line. The threat of militia-made traditional bombs looms over everyone, and the sounds of explosions and gunfire have become commonplace.

Law enforcement demands the removal of barricades under the threat of intervention with blade-equipped trucks, but some refuse and booby-trap these barricades. In isolated regions, individuals armed with shotguns seek to protect themselves or to attack and rob families, including Caledonians.

Neighborhoods, whether wealthy or poor, are targeted by nighttime break-ins for theft. In response, communities are mobilizing to ensure their safety, forming family militias. No one sleeps peacefully.

However, this crisis has fostered strengthened solidarity within neighborhoods. Despite the unimaginable war-like scenes in New Caledonia, we pray, that the Spirit will inspire the leaders and those involved in this conflict, to dialogue, to seek Peace and to strengthen the solidarity, and love among the people to overcome these trials.

The church members in New Caledonia are united in prayer. Let us join them in our prayers and thoughts.

Together in Peace,

Mareva Arnaud Tchong