Climate Emergency!" What Now?

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WHAT:   Climate Webinar – “Climate Emergency!” (Now What?)
WHO:    Presiding Bishop Ron Harmon, Community of Christ; and Bishop Carla Long, member of the Presiding Bishopric and assistant to Ron Harmon. 

WHEN:          Webinar – Sunday, October 1, 2023, 2pm-3:30 pm PT (Begins 3pm MT,

4pm CT, 5pm ET, 11am HT, 10pm London, 8 am Sydney + 1 day)

 WHERE:        ZOOM Online Ministry

 DESCRIPTION:  Last April Community of Christ voted to declare a Climate Emergency!

 The delegates at the 2023 World Conference voted overwhelmingly to declare a climate emergency and provide information and resources to the global membership to address this crisis.  People are eager to find out how they can help, what actions their congregations can take, and how best to support those who are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

We are beginning our new series of webinars centered on Restoration of Right Relationship. Restoring right relationships is a part of responding to Climate Emergency.  Emergency occurs because the relationships are wrong.

Presiding Bishop Ron Harmon and Bishop Carla Long will share their thoughts on the legislation passed at World Conference, the support of the Order of Bishops, and some ideas about how the church can best respond.  Their ideas are appropriate for those affiliated with our church, and for everyone who cares deeply about the climate crises we face.  Join us for this pivotal webinar on October 1!

 To connect to “Climate Emergency!” (Now What)  please register at

If you registered for a past webinar or conversation, you do not need to register again. Once registered, you will be sent a Zoom link before each webinar and activity.

This is an online ministry sponsored by the Greater Pacific Northwest USA Mission Center for Community of Christ.  The North American Climate Justice Team are the planners, with members from GPNWMC, Canada East, Canada West, IWMC, SPMC, and SPIMC.