Hello friends!  You're invited!

As part of the Transformation project currently underway in the church in Australia, the Ministry and Mission Steering committee is pleased to invite you to the first open Town Hall forum for the whole community, via the Zoom platform, on Sunday September 17th at 8pm AEST.  

The first Town Hall will be an opportunity to receive an overview of the project, learn more of the key themes, the calendar of small group consultations scheduled and clarify any questions you have.
Immediately following the Town Hall, there will be a schedule of small group consultations. We encourage as many as possible to engage in one or more small group consultations. Each will be targeting a particular group and these consultations will be scheduled across September and October.
At the Town Hall, we will also launch our first survey on Ministry and Mission, in which you will be invited to give considered written feedback to the Steering Committee. 
Town Hall Meetings will continue on a monthly basis, to keep the community up to date, share learnings from the consultation sessions, and invite questions and dialogue from the community.  You'll see invitations to the Town Hall meetings in the weekly 'News Update' from Mission Centre. 
Preparation for the Town Hall
We will be considering five themes as part of the Ministry & Mission Transformation
1. Individual spiritual growth & discipleship
2. Leaders equipped to grow and serve
3. Engaging and relevant forms of ministry
4. Meaningful connection in community
5. Sustainable ministry operations
You are invited to prayerfully consider these 5 themes, reflecting on your own experiences, values, and vision for the future. We look forward to sharing with you soon.
Link to Town Hall Meeting
Sunday September 17th
8.00pm EST
Zoom meeting link: 
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting  
Link to Sign Up to this list 
Feel free to share with a friend or member you think might be interested in this project.
Annie Falcke, Peter Lonsdale, Kristie Woodward, Jenny Robinson & Robert Thompson
Transformation Steering Committee: Ministry & Mission