Please find below an update about the Tiona Chapel;
Unfortunately, throughout the build progress hasn’t maintained schedule and not all works will be sufficiently complete before Christmas to enable receiving of an Occupation Certificate. Progress has been delayed by the unavailability of the materials that this bushfire rated build requires, and then trades availability when the materials do arrive. The continual rescheduling is painful and frustrating for all trades involved but we have benefitted by their understanding and perseverance. That said, with the roof scheduled to be fully completed by the end of October and most fit-out materials having been preordered and held at various supplier premises, the pace of construction will accelerate. As disappointing as the overall situation is, we are in a far better position that many, many other construction projects, especially those where the builders have gone into liquidation part way through construction. The decision by CCL Board to accept the recommendation of the TMC that CCL act as the principal contractor has proved to be prudent. The building will be sufficiently complete by Reunion to enable attendees to gain an appreciation of the building and the resulting ministerial outreach opportunities.
The building is emerging out of the landscape and from feedback comments is being quite closely monitored by local residents. There is a high awareness within the community and those having Green Cathedral wedding services each week that the church is building a new chapel to compliment the Green Cathedral ministries. Local Council staff and others who are aware of the building’s features describe it as ‘iconic’ and eagerly awaiting completion. I am continually surprised by the number of trades people and delivery drivers who have quite proudly tell me of their having camped at Tiona Holiday Park, or having been married, or attended weddings at the Green Cathedral.
Kind regards,