It's finally happening! GLOW, Youth Camp

Youth Camp planning is underway and we can not be more excited about the epic moments we will experience together from 25th - 29th September* at Kallara Conference Centre, Boho South. 

Community Plus Camp is open to all highschoolers from year 7 to year 12. Join us at Kallara to connect with other youth and have mountains of fun. CPlus is a safe space for all to ask big questions and be equipped with the tools to find depth and meaning in the everyday.

Leaders in Training are welcome to register your interest with Alicia or Kass to be part of the planning process. All Leaders need to have completed their Children & Youth Protection (CYP) course and have their state Working With Children Check (WWCC) to be eligible. 


To ensure you are on the mailing list for updates and registrations for camp, please contact Alicia Turner

*Camp will begin at dinner time on Sunday 25th and end at morning tea time Thursday 29th.