Climate Webinar – “Super Heroes Can’t Save Us!  How I Can Make a Difference NOW!”

An invitation from our friends at Greater Pacific Northwest USA Mission Centre for Community of Christ:

People WANT to address the climate crisis… but how? Where do you start? Once you’ve started, what’s next? Let’s explore the TOP PRIORITIES, personally and via advocacy, according to our own circumstances. You can’t do everything—but everyone can do something.

Join the Climate Webinar – “Super Heroes Can’t Save Us!  How I Can Make a Difference NOW!”

When: Webinar – Sunday, June 5, 2022,  2pm-3:30 pm PDT  (Begins 3pm MT, 4pm CT, 5pm ET, 11am HT, 10pm London, 7am Sydney + 1 day)

To connect to “Super Heroes Can’t Save Us!  I Can Make a Difference NOW!” please register at

If you registered for a past webinar or conversation, you do not need to register again. Once registered, you will be sent a Zoom link before each webinar, panel and conversation.

Also, Special Sunday Worship with GPNWMC:  “Sacredness of Creation:  – Sunday, June 26, 2022, Prelude begins at 6:40 pm PT  (7:40pm MT, 8:40pm CT, 9:40pm ET, 3:40pm HT, 2:40 am London, 11:40am Sydney + 1 day)


We know from previous webinars that people are looking for opportunities to make a difference in greenhouse gas emissions and climate crises.  Some have already begun making changes that count—but what do they do next?  Some are ready to begin making changes—but where do you start and what are the top priorities?  

We have asked three of our top presenters to share with us what they consider to be the top priorities in personally addressing climate change.   Dr. Richard Gammon, Dr. Richard Waugh, and Randy Litzenberger will share a few of the things they have done, and their recommendations to help guide people in contributing to climate solutions.  Additional suggestions will be provided—enough to engage everyone’s interests and personal abilities. You can’t do everything—but everyone can do something!  You won’t want to miss this practical primer for being the change you want to see!

To connect to “Super Heroes Can’t Save Us!  I Can Make a Difference NOW!” please register at

This is an online ministry sponsored by the Greater Pacific Northwest USA Mission Center for Community of Christ.  The North American Climate Justice Team are the planners, with members from GPNWMC, Canada East, Canada West, IWMC, SPMC, and SPIMC.