Kallara Kid's Camp - Highlights 2022

Kallara Kid’s camp is always one of the highlights of my year. An opportunity for kids to come together, to make new friends, to play and learn with and from each other. Three days to connect with new and old friends and with God.

This year we had 18 kids, only 5 of which had ever been to kid’s camp before, and good golly did we all have fun. Each morning started with a time of worship (we called it our morning orientation), where we sang church songs, learnt about Joseph, his coat, brothers, and life in Egypt. We finished each of these times with a popcorn prayer.

We went for bush walks, played an epic game of rob the nest, which included pelting each other with flour bombs. We followed clues to undertake team building activities and find eggs for a nature scavenger hunt. There was even kickball and a campfire all without the rain that had been forecasted. We decorated and created lanterns, made gifts for others that shrank down to the size of a thumb, ate lots of yummy food and wrote warm fuzzies or affirmation notes to take home from camp and remember the friendships and experiences that were had.   

It was a really great couple of days, and it is so lovely to see these kids experiencing camping ministries, developing friendships and learning camp songs and stories that have been so formative and important in the lives of so many others than have gone before them.

Kass Unger, Children’s Minister - Australia Wide