Rick Deb Sarre to Head Up Round Table Dialogue at the Peace Summit

The Peace Summit to be held in Newcastle at the Wallsend Community of Christ over Saturday and Sunday of 18-19 June 2022 will be one of the most significant events in our recent times that will bring together outstanding and noteworthy voices from all over Australia on the subject of, Peace and Justice.

We last highlighted one of our keynote speakers Father Rod Bower who will be the keynote speaker at our Saturday Night Dinner event. This week we highlight Rick and Deb Sarre.

Rick Sarre is a Law Professor at Adelaide University and Debra Sarre holds a Bachelor of Psychology and runs a successful consultancy business (Sarre ODL) they reside in South Australia and are both professional educators. Whilst they work in different fields with their powers combined, they are indeed a formidable force in championing better outcomes for both individuals and larger groups and organisations. Rick has always had a strong focus on issues surrounding Peace and Justice, Law Reforms, and better rights for those who are most vulnerable in our communities.  Debora is the Principal Consultant of an organisation that is a leader in Organisational Development and Learning. Her wealth of experience in working with people to develop and understand needs, and her ability to help people focus on how to cut through and prioritise and build resilience in dealing with challenges around issues of Peace and Justice will be a practical and rewarding experience. We look forward to taking part in a method that will combine listening, sharing, reframing and applying new learnings in a fun and engaging way during our Peace Summit experience.

Register NOW. Website launching in May.