The Way Forward: Watch today!

President Steve Veazey continues The Way Forward video series with “Decentralization and Flexibility” and “Disruptive Trends as Challenges and Opportunities.”  Watch today!  


The Way Forward: Decentralization and Flexibility 

The World Conference will consider church bylaw amendments for decentralization and flexibility--where and as needed. We must gain degrees of decentralization for the right reasons while strengthening what binds us together as a worldwide movement. 


Being a worldwide community in Christ is a distinctive element of our identity. We are specifically called to show the world what peaceful community in Christ across human boundaries and cultures is like. 


The Way Forward: Disruptive Trends as Challenges and Opportunities 

There are trends affecting the church in more affluent nations where the church has its longest history. We truly are living in a new world that requires new forms of ministry. Simply doing what is familiar and hoping for the best will not suffice.  


But there is opportunity! Amid shifts from formal church involvement, people continue to search for authentic spiritual connections with God, others, and creation.  


Community of Christ has been gifted for such a time as this! We must not miss this opportunity. 


Watch previous videos in this series on our YouTube channel.  

The Way Forward: Introduction 

The Way Forward: Poverty Traps 

The Way Forward: God’s Kind of Justice 

The Way Forward: 2023 World Conference 

The Way Forward:  What About Finances?