New classes now open for enrolment!

We are pleased to share this exciting announcement:

Along with the Ministry and Priesthood classes, CIMM* will be offering our first “Christian Ministry Certificate” course in the same vein as past “MEADS” courses. There will be 5 of these classes offered each year and the certificate will be provided after completing 10 classes.  

The following classes are now open for a limited enrolment:

Fall B Session: (These times are Central (U.S.A) and $USD)

  • Introduction to Scripture: 8-weeks, Oct. 24 – Dec. 17 - $25

  • Ministry of the Deacon: 6-weeks, Oct. 24 – Dec. 4 - $25

  • Children and Youth Worker Core Training: Self-completion – Oct. 24-Dec. 17 – David Davis, Community of Christ General Council, Facilitator - $25


Upcoming classes (opening for enrolment in early November): 

Spring A Session: (These times are Central (U.S.A) and $USD)

  • Introduction to Pastor Ministry: 8-weeks, Jan. 9 – March 4 - $25

  • Ministry of the Disciple: 8-weeks, Jan. 9 – March 4 - $25

  • Christian Ministry Certificate Course:

    • Introduction to Christian Theology: Dr. David N. Anderson, DMin – Jan. 9 – March 4 – mix of online and one live session per week - $100


*CIMM offers non-credit bearing continuing education units (CEU’s) that focus on priesthood development, leadership development, and theological education. These CEU’s do not lead to a degree. To enroll or view the schedule of upcoming classes, go to our website: