Have Your Say About The Draft National Plan To End Gender-based Violence 2022-32!

We are challenged toward action to bring about peace in our communities:

“God, the Eternal Creator, weeps for the poor, displaced, mistreated, and diseased of the world because of their unnecessary suffering. Such conditions are not God’s will. Open your ears to hear the pleading of mothers and fathers in all nations who desperately seek a future of hope for their children. Do not turn away from them. For in their welfare resides your welfare”

Section 163: 4a of Doctrine and Covenants

The Australian Government is developing the National Plan to gener-based violence.

A draft National Plan has been developed through consultation with victim-survivors, specialist services, representatives from the health, law and justice sectors, business, and community groups, all levels of government and other experts.

You have a chance to have your say - your feedback will help inform the final plan.

If you care about helping to make Australia a safer place, this is your opportunity to think about the Government’s plans, provide feedback to highlight missed opportunities, and consider ways that we can throw our weight behind making this happen.

The opportunity for feedback ends at 12pm 25th Feb 2022 but regardless of when, it is worthwhile becoming educated about this issue.

 What to do:

1) Read draft of the plan (which also has an audio version), here

2) Complete the online survey Your answers are anonymous. You do not have to provide your name.

World Conference 2019 Domestic Violence Legislation

In a motion brought by the Australia Mission to the 2019 World Conference it was

Resolved, That

1. The 2019 World Conference express its solidarity with and show active support for those organizations and community groups that currently aim to eradicate familial and domestic violence wherever it occurs.

2. Congregations world-wide be called upon anew to prioritize with urgency the admonitions found in WCR 1195, 1235, 1250 and 1276.

3. The conference requests that the First Presidency develop or make available culturally appropriate study materials regarding domestic and sexual violence and abuse with the intent that such material will become part of the required course curriculum for all current priesthood members and candidates for priesthood office.

The hope is that “this resolution will renew and strengthen us all to tell the world anew that our church condemns violence in any setting, but in particular in the home, and, in particular, sexual violence wherever it occurs”, Malcolm Stephenson & Rick Sarre ‘World Conference 2019 Domestic Violence Legislation’, pg. 20-21, Australia Herald August 2019

(For more background to this motion, read the full article, from the Australia Herald, Aug. 2019)

If you or anyone who know is a victim of Domestic Violence, seek help by calling the Domestic Violence Line (1800 65 64 63)