Announcing - WoW Heart & Soul

WoW Heart & Soul is an on-line Retreat that focuses on our health and wholeness - nurturing wholeness of body, mind, spirit and relationships. It will be held over two Saturdays from 9:00am – 12:30pm on the 25th September and 2nd October. Our WoW sessions offer the opportunity to consciously bring a positive impact on our health and wholeness and to our world. We aim to foster connecting to our own inner wisdom by cultivating mindfulness, a sense of calm and exploring ways to bring balance, develop self-awareness and joy to feed our soul and inspire passion. Our intention is to connect a sense of gratitude to the mystery outside of ourselves which some might call God, ‘the Divine’ or ‘the Universal Spirit’. We invite you to relax, grow and heal in an experience of creativity and mindfulness.

We have invited presenters who work at the heart of their practice and are masters who at their core hold an inner wisdom. WoW is about creating an opportunity for masters in their field to share from their passion, their wisdom and their spirit. The upcoming WoW event weaves their presentations and workshops around our theme of Heart and Soul.

Nourish - How do we live in the present moment more and care for our body, mind, spirit and relationships so we can live our best life? We will explore the connections between wholeness of body, mind, spirit and relationships and you will come away with tools to use in your daily life to journey to wholeness. 

Move - Embracing change in our lives. What do we need to do more of to bring our lives into balance?  Learn how to enliven your mind, let go of emotional strains and find joy within.

Inspire - We are not separate from each other. In your welfare resides my own. World events are challenging us. How do we embrace life in a deeper way? We long for a different kind of world. How do we respond? We will explore how to become wiser, stronger more intelligent and compassionate people.

Program and registration AVAILABLE NOW: Heart & Soul Online