God IS Calling - Mission Centre Conference 2021

A chance to discern, learn, fellowship, re-connect, worship and have fun.

Registrations are open for Mission Centre Conference

“…..Our Conference this year will be lived out in a new way, and over a whole week, providing wonderful opportunities for worship, workshops, looking at the business of the church, and fellowship; all through the wonder of Zoom!….” shares Conference Director Wendy Ballard Read the full letter here.

We come together for conference as a united group of likeminded people. Setting aside this time to participate we open our hearts to new possibilities, engage in worship, in learning, in laughter and the essential business of the church.

Conference prepares us to go forth - back into our local communities; empowered with inspiration and a feeling of strength and connection - our Divine purpose reaffirmed.

This year we have a week-long program of events with many opportunities for WORSHIP, PRAYER and moments of JOYFUL CONNECTION.

This is your invitation to join with us, friends and members alike, as we come together in sacred connection and community at this event. We encourage you to register your intention to participate so we can keep you updated with all that is happening across the week!

Registration for conference is free, however, there are still many costs associated with the event - please consider a donation if you are able: https://tithe.ly/give_new/www/#/tithely/give-one-time/2005576

“Pilgrims descend,

spiraling inwards, a journey triggering confluence of hopeful hearts both full and empty, awaiting, anticipating. Disciples return to learn and discern where the Spirit calls.

Slow down they said, slow down.” - from 'Together We Decide' by Ben Smith

If you have any questions please contact Conference Director, Wendy Ballard, 02 6555 9843/ 0411 036 171 wballard@cofchrist.com.au, or Emma Espinosa at Mission Office: 02 8971 7400, eespinosa@cofchrist.com.au.

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Doctrine & Covenants Section 163, 11.a:

“God is calling for a prophetic community to emerge, drawn from the nations of the world, that is characterized by uncommon devotion to the compassion and peace of God revealed in Jesus Christ. Through divine grace and wisdom, this faith community has been given abundant gifts, resources, and opportunities to equip it to become such a people. Chief among these is the power of community in Christ expressed locally in distinctive fashions while upholding a unity of vision, foundational beliefs, and mission throughout the world.”