COVID-19 Update: Extension of Suspension

21 April 2020

Dear Friends, 

In these unprecedented times I’m reminded of how important community is. Your friendship, your prayers, your faith and your continued expressions of belonging are what I’m strengthened by and they make my heart steady during this rocky time. I’m grateful for each of you. 

We had previously announced that all activities across Australia were to be suspended until 1 May. Over the last few weeks, leadership at both Mission Centre level and World Church have concurred that this suspension should continue until at least 31 May, with the potential for further suspensions depending on the COVID-19 response in Australia. 

To be clear, all church activities, programs and facilities which rely on physical gatherings will remain suspended until 31 May 2020, with an update to be provided closer to that time.  

The Australia Mission Centre will continue to host online worships every Sunday morning, along with a Prayer Circle on Wednesday nights, a Kid’s Book club on Wednesday afternoons and a daily prayer for peace. You can find more information about any of those activities at 

It is wonderful to see some congregation are also now hosting their own gatherings online and via apps, please see a list of them at 

As we continue to flatten the curve in Australia, we are being filled with a sense of togetherness. I believe social distancing measures are bringing us closer to the idea that God is in each of us, and we are strengthened in our discipleship by choosing to care for the vulnerable. It is incredible to witness! The phrase ‘I am, because you are’ is living itself out fully right now. 

My prayers are with you all as we continue to search for meaning in this time. May you be excited by the opportunity to seek new ways of being God’s people in this time. 


Ben Smith

Community of Christ, Australia Mission Centre