Feedback from our Online Gatherings

“Our relationships shape our identity, helping us find meaning and purpose in life. It has been wonderful to connect with so many friends, old and new who are part of our faith fellowship. It has reminded us of just how connected we are, despite the separation of time and place and how precious these relationships are. Thanks to all who have made this happen with hard work behind the scenes. When we finally come through this pandemic it would be great to continue similar gatherings from time to time.” - Jill and Peter Lonsdale.

Although still following guidelines and requests to isolate we have, joyfully, found ways in which we can still be together; some wonderful opportunities to connect have been borne out of the current circumstances as we worship together, even over great physical distance, through the internet.

We’ve joined with up to 200 people, from across the country and across the world, at our many Sunday Worships and Easter services. And, by accounts, the experience has been positive:

“Great worship this morning, team…… wonderful that so many were able to join in! The screen sharing worked really well.” - Dione Jacka, in response to the first online worship on 29 March

“Well done to all for the terrific virtual gathering….makes me want to donate!” - Rick Sarre, in response to the first online worship on 29 March

“Thank you for giving me the chance to rekindle my valued faith with you and the Church. My husband and I are "self-isolating" at the moment due to our ages - my husband is 80 and I'm 73. Even apart from that we live on the Gold Coast and it’s just way too far to drive to north Brisbane on a Sunday.”

“A huge "thank you" for a very wonderful Service. It was great to reconnect with you all and I'll look forward to doing it again soon. Beautiful words, singing, music and prayer. Thank you again.” - Carolyn Warner, in response to the Easter Sunday Service

“…thank you. I’m so glad I didn’t miss out it was beautiful ❤️” - Emma Ghazarian, in response to the Easter Sunday Service

The weekly Prayer Circle, Wednesday evenings at 8pm, has drawn together up to 50 people.

Kid’s Book Club which commenced on the 15th of April, with The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson has also been well received. Families that joined in were appreciative of the activity, remarking, “Thanks for running it, it was really good” and “we had a whale of a time”.

For details about What’s On(line) each week visit our Online Ministries Page or follow us on Facebook.