Prayers for Australia

Earlier this month Australia Mission President, Ben Smith, wrote to World Church Leaders about the widespread and devastating affects of the Australian fires:


The smoke is everywhere, bringing tears to our eyes; tears representing lives lost and an all-encompassing trauma across a proud nation. I sit around 450km’s away from the nearest fire and yet the air is thick, dark and has a sepia glow. Smoke has touched the lungs of people in Chile and stained ice sheets in New Zealand. Australia is a large land, yet we are all breathing the same air, the same pain, the same suffering. We are a nation joined by a collective breathe as we gasp for answers, squinting through the blackened bushland for solutions. We are a nation connected by a generosity of heart and community effort. While the fire is on our land, it is clear that the whole world is feeling the effects with us.

Over the past few months of bushfires in Australia, more than 2200 homes have been destroyed, over 15 million hectares of bushland has been scorched, an estimated 1 billion animals have been killed and at least 28 human lives have tragically been lost. Australia has changed forever. While there is always a sense of optimism, this time feels different. Over 100 fires still burn across the country today, with thousands of fire fighters still working to contain and extinguish them. Hundreds are still without power, road access and supplies.

As a people of faith, we weep with our friends who have lost homes, properties, livelihoods and we are aching for and with those whose families have lost lives.

The church has not had any damage to its buildings across the country, yet some members have experienced property loss and many have been evacuated from their homes. In addition, one campground (Kallara Conference Centre in Victoria) was evacuated during an event early in January. A sense of constant awareness is present that at any point things could change for the worse.

As a people of faith, we look to the future with hope. Hope, though, is not an empty optimistic thought, in this instance it’s a collective will of the people to call for change and compassion. We’ve seen a glimpse of a world that has a higher intensity of drought, fire, flood and it is not one we wish for. Collectively, we must each do our part to ensure our mother earth sees the healing she needs. Our enduring principles of Sacredness of Creation and Responsible Choices are firmly in our minds as we look to a future built on hope.

Together, may we join our hearts in resolve and compassion be our prayer, and may our prayers turn into actions which restore a broken landscape.

Ben Smith

We have been heartened as we see the outpouring of love and support from our bothers and sisters in Christ; kind words and actions such as those shown by one of the members of Community of Christ in Sanford, Michigan USA:

“….tonight I began crocheting bird and rodent nests for the animal rescues there. It's all over Facebook asking people to knit, sew, or crochet nests and Joey pouches. A few friends and family members are doing this…”

Prayers continue to be offered from around the country and across the globe and, today, the church has announced that Community of Christ have made a $7,242 AUD ($5,000 USD) contribution to the Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery Fund this week on behalf of the worldwide church.

"We are so grateful for the expressions of love and support received from many across the globe throughout this time," said Ben Smith, Australia Mission Centre president. "It strengthens us."

To see how the funds are being used, go to Red Cross Australia - Australian Bushfires.

May we join our efforts with those supporting relief, upholding those affected in prayer and action and, where possible, by donating directly to emergency services in your State, the Australian Red Cross, WIRES or your local relief effort.

May God’s spirit rest with those in need as the summer continues.