Children and Youth Protection Update

While the Community of Christ has always held that we respond like mandatory reporters to any reports or suspicion of child abuse, as of the 17th of February, ‘people in religious ministry will become mandatory reporters to Child Protection’. While this is specifically for Victoria, it is a principle we would like implemented around Australia. 
Please read the attached fact sheet to better understand what is expected of you and how to implement these practices. 
As a reminder, if you have any concerns about potential abuse of children or youth at a church event, please advise the Pastor or Camp Director immediately and contact Ben Smith, our Australia Mission President, as soon as possible on 02 9871 7400 or If there is any immediate danger, please contact the Police on 000.

For further information on our Children and Youth Protection policies and training, contact out CYP Officer; Kass Unger on 02 9871 7400 or