New Position - Sydney

Over the last 6 months, the Sydney network has been having a conversation about how it can best live out the mission of the church. During the discussion, many concepts and forms have been discussed, with some exciting ideas coming forward! From new congregational models to adaptations on existing ones, there has been significant synergy around the idea that there is need for change. 

To ensure that change happens effectively, a temporary part-time paid position will be created to research and develop a pilot concept, which will be funded primarily by congregations. The role will be to work with the network to develop a new way of being that reaches the community in a way that is fresh yet stands on the foundations already created by the many who have gone before us.

Click here for the position description and selection criteria. If you would like to apply, please see details within.

As we venture down this path, we invite prayers from the community to centre and connect us all, helping us discern the best direction for our future together.