Tiona Reunion - Update

Tiona Reunion is shaping to be our biggest in a long time and we’re excited for the fun, spiritual nourishment, and blessings of community that we will experience over the Christmas holidays. 

Here’s an update on the registration process for the reunion:

  • We have already allocated accommodation. We may still have a few Lodge rooms and campsites left so if you have not yet confirmed your accommodation, you need to contact Jan Thompson immediately at Tiona.Reunion@gmail.com.

  • Registrations are closing at the end of November and we would be very grateful if you would finalise your registration as soon as possible. Processing registrations and payments involves some work and it would greatly assist the team of volunteers working behind the scenes if you could register immediately if you haven’t already.

  • If you are attending reunion (or parts of reunion) and are not staying on the grounds, it is still very important that you register for the days you are attending (use the code ‘DAY’ in the accommodation reference question). This is especially true if you would like lunch or dinner provided. If you don’t book and pay for your meals in advance, we won’t be able to cater for you. 

  • All fees are set out in the Fee Schedule 

  • To register, click this link: https://campscui.active.com/orgs/CommunityofChrist0#/selectSessions/2497403 

If you have any questions, please contact Jan Thompson the volunteer reunion director at TionaReunion@gmail.com.