I have been touched

I recall the experience Jeremiah had with the Lord recorded in Jeremiah 1, when he was assured that he was known by the Lord before he was even born.  At that time Jeremiah was consecrated by the Lord and was appointed to be a prophet.  Jeremiah replied to this commission by saying that he didn’t know how to speak for he was only a boy.  But the Lord promised him that wherever Jeremiah was sent, the Lord would tell him what to say.  Then the Lord put out his hand and touched Jeremiah’s mouth and said: “Now I have put my words in your mouth.”  This divine touch gave Jeremiah the authority to become a great prophet for the Lord and speak for him.

There are other incidents recorded in scripture where people have been touched by God either through healing or even by being challenged to change the direction of their lives to something more worthwhile.

There is the incident in Jesus’ life recorded in Luke 8: 40-56, where a woman had been suffering from haemorrhages for twelve years and couldn’t be cured.  She wended her way through the crowd following Jesus to get close to him to seek a healing.  This health problem had become so worrying for her that after hearing of the healing ministry Jesus was doing, she knew that coming to him was her last hope of being restored to health.

She finally reached Jesus, but he seemed so busy and caught up with the crowd that she felt it inadvisable to try and talk to him.  All she could do was try and reach out and touch the hem of his garment which she did.  Immediately the haemorrhage stopped. Jesus knew that something had happened.  He had felt spiritual power leaving him and he asked, “Who touched me?”  As he turned around, he saw the woman approaching, trembling before him and falling to her knees.  She spoke out to the people saying why she had touched Jesus and revealed she had been healed immediately.  Jesus said to her “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”

We can be touched by God’s Spirit in different ways if we set out to experience it.  For example, through prayer, reading the scriptures or a religious book, talking openly and honestly with a confidant, through meditation or by participating in the Sacraments of the church.

I recall being the spokesperson in the sacrament of administration for a member of our congregation who was about to enter hospital for an operation.  The thoughts expressed in my prayer were given to me by God’s Spirit.  Two weeks following the operation I was approached by the person who had received the sacrament to bear their testimony of the blessing received.  They said that as our hands were placed on his head, he sensed the pain and worry he had been carrying prior to the operation flowing down off him.  He was able to approach the operation with no fear but with confidence that everything would go all right – as it did!  This person had been touched by God!

Take a deep breath. Pay attention to the web of relationships that sustain your life right now. Remember the people who have formed you. Consider the nourishing food and drink that come to you from the planet. Notice all the lives that touched everything that surrounds you.  Offer a prayer of gratitude for connection and belonging with God and all creation.

Now consider how you might be able to touch others you meet with the Holy Spirit supporting you.

                                                                                                                       Bill Gillard