
The ocean waves were pounding on the shoreline today. My puffer jacket and a hot coffee were the only things that stood between me and the icy breeze. I sat in solitude until this little bird inquisitively came to sit at my table. He looked me right in the eye almost politely asking for a crumb from my muffin. I dare not show him any favours though; the sea gulls were nearby ready to swoop at any moment if they saw any sign of weakness.

Just a week ago I was dodging 38-degree heat in Independence, Missouri, USA. I reflected on this recent trip and how blessed I had been by community there. How sharing our humanity in big and small ways is important. I thought about the shop keeper there who confided in me that she had been fighting for stricter gun penalties following the accidental death of her sixteen-year-old daughter at a 4th of July celebration. Someone had shot a gun into the air.  I thought about the church families I had visited who were so passionately involved in peace and justice causes, protesting the rise in Christian Nationalism, speaking up for the environment and indigenous rights and feeding 200 people every week at The Stone Church. I was almost dizzy with all they were involved in, and their passion was infectious.

I thought of the common bonds that bind us as a church community around the world; of God’s revelation in Jesus Christ that is the foundation of our faith, identity, mission, message, and beliefs and connects us across continents to shared values. I thought about how we may feel alone as individuals or as congregations but how somewhere out there in another state or another country there are others endeavouring to live out the same enduring principles.  

Yet beyond the mission of Christ, I reflected on the small blessings of community. The cup of coffee, the sharing of bread, the exchange of favourite books, ideas, dreams and passions. I reflected on how I entered houses as a stranger and left as a friend. I reflected on the care, presence and love I had been shown. The sort of day to day care you show to family. It was a testament to the bonds of love between members of our church and a testament to the blessing of community.

I drank my coffee alone by the beach but not really on my own. The little bird watching me the whole time, the thoughts swirling in my head of my countless friends and church members around the globe. At the bottom of my cup was written a simple word ‘Enjoy’. I thought how funny it is that you must drink all the coffee to get to it. Maybe that’s sort of what life is like. It’s not until you start to count the blessings of community that you realise how many you have.

 A Prayer of Blessing

May you be present to your life,

not shy away but listen deeply to the significance of every moment.

May you extend hospitality and welcome

to yourself as well as to others.

May you embrace curiosity and wonder.

May you find messages of joy hidden in unexpected places

and peace in simple things.

May you find the Divine working through community

to restore you to wholeness.


Anne Bonnefin
Communications Co ordinator
Community of Christ Australia