We came with our cups, empty, broken, chipped, yet left with them overflowing in gratitude, and filled a sense of community, when it was time to leave the sacred space and place of Tiona.
FILL MY CUP was our theme for the weekend and filled we were. Each one brought along a cup that spoke of their life, and we created our worship centre from them, symbolic of our lives, and being able to safely share how each of us was feeling and our longings. We also gifted our sisters with a cup to take home with them, and within them was words of encouragement and affirmation.
Amidst the time of worship, meditation, prayers, singing, sharing, walking, talking, learning, exploring, there was a place for laughter, tears, foot spas, craft, good food,, trivia, and yummy treats.
The song that was the same as theme, was sang at our final service and we were all gladly able to say our cup was filled and overflowing with love…
The chorus says,
Fill my cup, Lord, I lift it up, Lord
Come and quench this thirsting of my soul
Bread of Heaven, feed me 'til I want no more
Fill my cup, fill it up and make me whole
Yes indeed, we were blessed because we came. We invite and welcome you to join us next year or even consider sponsoring someone else to attend if you can’t.
Wendy Ballard