Announcement: Official Alcohol Policy

To the Church,

Official Policy - Consumption of Intoxicants by Priesthood: 

For the well-being of individuals and the church community, especially the most vulnerable, disciples and priesthood members are urged to refrain from drinking intoxicants.


Here are two documents relating to the review the First Presidency has conducted, as requested by the 2013 World Conference, with regard to the policy of drinking intoxicants. The Pastoral Letter from the First Presidency, contains their interpretation of Doctrine and Covenants 152:4b, a new official policy on the consumption of alcohol by priesthood, and a new official policy on the consumption of alcohol at Community of Christ events and on Community of Christ property.

Here is an outline of the application of the Official Policy in Australia. It’s important to note that the new policy is a worldwide policy, and that the application of the policy is adapted to suit each nation.

I encourage you to prayerfully study the material personally and in your congregations.


Ben Smith
President, Australia Mission Centre