Another year is fast drawing to a close at the Food Pantry in Perth, WA

As the team at the Food Pantry, Perth plan their Christmas Breakfast, they reflect on the year that has past.

Each week the service provides, not only parcels of food accompanied by a gourmet morning tea, but now also offers free clothing and household items. Food Pantry’s Coordinator, Sonya Overstone explains: “Our core mission is to help disadvantage people from all walks of life.”

“Poverty, homelessness, mental illnesses, domestic problems and all the circumstances that are associated with it are steadily on the increase in our society. It's more important than ever to meet this challenge head on and strive for a better outcome for all concerned. At times it seems like Mt Everest, however with strong support and compassion in our hearts we all have the ability to turn negatives into positives, one person at a time.”

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This year the Food Pantry has provided food, clothing, bedding, home goods, toiletries, toys, support and a warm safe environment for thousands of people.

It’s not only about what the visitors to the service take away physically; there is as sense of welcoming community to be enjoyed as people enjoy time chatting, with friends and volunteers, over morning tea.

“Our whole operation is only possible with the help of the Church and wonderful volunteers who devote their time tirelessly.” says Sonya. Volunteers include members of the Woodlands congregation as well as regular help from employees from the National Australia Bank, who have partnered with the Food Pantry to offer support in the form of time and donations.

Sonya acknowledges the importance of teamwork in running the service, insisting that the volunteers are “….instrumental in the success of Food Pantry.”

“When we all work towards a common goal, we have the power to make a difference, and it's this philosophy that makes Food Pantry such a wonderful cause.”

The Food Pantry, meets every Wednesday morning at the Woodlands congregation, for more information or to find out how you can get involved email

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