Announcement: Adelaide Congregation

Over the past 12 months, Adelaide congregation have been discussing its future in the context of lower numbers and a non-sustainable congregational budget. For decades, incredible ministry has been offered and received in Adelaide, and at the Parkholme location since 1961.

On Sunday 18th of October, the Adelaide congregation met and decided to close the congregation, effective December 31, 2020, this action was approved by Apostle Mareva Arnaud who said : ‘Even though I didn’t live many experiences with the congregation, it’s always sad & nostalgic to close a congregation, thinking about the people, moments, mission accomplished and its history. But, what a hope to know that we have members who recognize that mission continues in a new and different way.”

There will be a service of celebration in due course.

An extract from "A Brief History of the RLDS Church in Australia” reads, "Missionary, J.H.N. Jones first visited Adelaide in May 1902.  At the beginning of 1903 Jones and William Mackie were appointed to missionary work in Adelaide. They held their first service at the Rechabite Hall in Grote Street on 22 February 1903. The Adelaide Branch was officially organized on 28 January 1906 by C.A. Butterworth with J.H.N. Jones as President.”

With a long and distinguished history in our movement, please join me in thanking those who have served in the wider Adelaide area since 1902, and more recently at Parkholme since 1961. Countless experiences of the Spirit, sacraments, moments of meaning and mouths fed! Indeed, souls restored. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that the church, through its people, has made a difference to so many lives in the city of Adelaide, and will continue to do so through the lives of the members and friends who still reside there.

In particular, I would like to thank Annette Francis for her leadership as Pastor during this incredibly challenging time, and Bill Castle for his ministry as Financial Officer over the years.

A more in-depth history will be published in the December Australia Herald.


In service and humility.

Ben Smith

President, Australia Mission Centre 

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