Tiona Women’s Retreat 2025

On the weekend of March 7-9, 2025, despite the threat of the tail end of a cyclone raining on our parade, we were truly blessed to gather at the beautiful Tiona for our retreat. For the first time, all our activities were held in and around the newly opened Tiona Chapel. Although a few participants could not join us due to the weather and health concerns, we missed their presence and held them in both thought and prayer. Those who were able to gather were abundantly blessed.

This year’s theme was "Let Your Heart Be Open," and indeed, hearts were opened. The program was wonderfully varied, featuring deep moments of Spirit-led worship, vespers, prayer, sacrament, singing, and guest speakers. Others shared how their hearts had been opened to act, in different community-based programs. We also enjoyed an indoor campfire, laughter yoga, line dancing, tai chi, and fun-filled activities.

The food was exceptional, so we were nourished both spiritually and physically.

For those ladies reading this, and thinking this is something you might enjoy, please consider making it a priority in 2026. We would love you to join us!

Peace and Blessings,

Wendy Ballard