Would you be willing to help?
We’re looking for volunteer co-hosts for our Prayer Circle Online Gatherings.
If you’re comfortable managing the chat, admitting participants, or offering general support, we’d love to have you assist us in this special ministry.
You don’t need to commit to every gathering. Just putting your name down to help once or twice a year (or whenever you're able) would be a huge support.
Prayer Circle occurs every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8 pm AEST
Or perhaps you would like to have training in these key features:
• Understand Zoom
• Monitor the waiting room
• Mute or unmute participants when required
• Screen share a PowerPoint presentation
• Assist with the whiteboard (writing prayer requests)
• Monitor the chat feature and respond to participants when required
Let Emma Ghazarian know if your intrested - eghazarian@cofchrist.com.au