Saints Care Update

Hello Saints Care Community,


I am again thrilled to announce that Saints Care was successful with another grant through the federal Department of Social Services – Strong and Resilient Communities. This grant is for $360k over a 2 year period.  Only 34 organisations across the country were successful in receiving this grant and so the team are honoured to be selected. 


Saints Care put in 3 submissions for different areas such as South East Queensland, Western Sydney and Mid North Coast. I am excited to share that our Mid North Coast (Taree) submission was successful which will fund out new StreetTunes youth program. StreetTunes will be run by youth and community workers who will use music as a way to support young people and to overcome challenges. The funding allows for a thorough evaluation of the program which will allow us to use the data to source further funding to continue the program post the 2 year funded period. This project is in support and collaboration with the Taree Community of Christ (CofC)  congregation as well supported by local groups such as Taree Police and Ghinni Ghinni Aboriginal Corporation. 


Saints Care will be looking to sign the funding agreement around November and will commence program planning with Taree CofC pastor from then. 


We look forward to updating you on the progress of this program that will bring hope to the Mid North Coast youth community. 


Thank you
Michelle Comito   |        
Executive Officer