Climate Webinar
This is an online ministry sponsored by the Greater Pacific Northwest USA Mission Center for Community of Christ. The North American Climate Justice Team are the planners, with members from GPNWMC, Canada East, Canada West, IWMC, SPMC, and SPIMC.
See attached flyer for more information
**AEST: 7 am Monday Sept 23
Dear Friends:
We're delighted to announce that Prophet Designate Stassi Cramm will be our guest speaker for the September 22, 2024, Climate Webinar. Our church -- and indeed, the world-- is at a crossroads, and multiple issues of peace and justice require the courage and faith of Community of Christ members. Stassi offers her insights about climate and environmental concerns in our webinar "At the Crossroads: Igniting Faith and Justice at a Time of Change." Her presentation is the perfect keynote for the upcoming 2024/25 webinar series "Prophetic Courage for a Just Transition."
Susan Oxley
For the North American Climate Justice Team
Do not miss this opportunity to hear Stassi Cramm share her perspectives on the role of the church in addressing climate change. Stassi is Counselor to Prophet/President Steve Veazey and a member of the First Presidency. She has been called to be the next Prophet/President of Community of Christ and will be ordained pending approval by the 2025 World Conference.
Stassi has a deep spirituality and caring personal ministry that blends well with her background in systems management, finance, and stewardship. She is a visionary, able to lead the church in a time of difficult transitions and global conflicts. Her insights into climate concepts like “a just transition,” the inequity of climate impacts, and the need for the church to be an agent of prophetic change will help guide the church into the future.
Stassi and her husband, Stephen currently live a tale of two cities: They have a home in Boston, MA across the street from their three grandbabies and a home near the Temple in Independence, MO. Steve is semi-retired but stays busy providing engineering consulting to various organizations. They have two adult children, a son-in-law, and twin grandbabies.
Stassi and Stephen have a growing interest in what is happening in the world and how they can actively be involved in just, positive change. Becoming grandparents has underscored their passion about creation and our need to be faithful stewards of the earth.
To connect to “At the Crossroads: Igniting Faith and Justice in a Time of Change” please register at
If you registered for a past webinar or conversation, you do not need to register again. Once registered, you will be sent a Zoom link before each webinar and activity.